Lying External Shoulder Rotation – Dumbbell

  1. Lie on your side on a flat bench with your legs stacked, and your body straight as possible from head to toes.
  2. Bend your upper arm (the one farthest from the bench) at a 90-degree angle at your elbow with your forearm parallel to the floor, and grasp a dumbbell with a your palm facing the floor.
  3. Rotate your shoulder while keeping your elbow at a 90-degree angle, moving your forearm towards the ceiling and above your body.
  4. Rotate your arm upward as far as comfortably possible without lifting your elbow off your torso or your body moving off its position.
  5. Pause at the top of the movement for a brief moment.
  6. Slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position by rotating the forearm back to the horizontal starting position while keeping the elbow angle constant.
  7. Complete all the desired repetitions on one arm before switching to the other arm and repeating the steps.

Keep your elbow pinned to your torso throughout the exercise.

Primary Muscles

  • Rotator Cuff - Back


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